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Towy Valley Psychotherapy Practice – COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Policy – Updated 11.09.2020

You will be aware of the ongoing challenges posed by COVID-19 (Coronavirus) and how it continues to impact on all our lives. 


My commitment to working with you and your well-being remains paramount. Therefore, I have every intention of being your therapist and providing your chosen form of therapy/intervention for the duration you wish to access it. 


Following the latest advice issued by the UK Government which is available from: , the Welsh Government which is available from: and, guidance from my governing bodies, all face to face/“in person” appointments now have to be risk assessed within the 24 hour period prior to the appointment to ensure that we and users of the building I work from remain safe. (Please note online/remote appointments do not require a risk assessment so will not be subject to the same assessment process.) 


In the 24 hour period prior to your appointment, I will email a link which will take you to an electronic questionnaire asking some mandatory questions about any symptoms that could be linked to COVID-19. You will need to complete your questionnaire no later than 2 hours before the start of your appointment. 


If you have answered yes to any of the questions that indicate possible symptoms for COVID-19 I will need to postpone your face to face/in person appointment. I will contact you on the telephone number you provided in the questionnaire and we can either reschedule your appointment to an online/remote appointment (if appropriate.) Alternatively, we will agree for you to contact me once you are well enough to attend an in person appointment and/or your self-isolation period has ended and you remain symptom free.


Should you become affected by the Coronavirus before you receive your questionnaire or before your next scheduled online appointment, please call or send me an email/text to inform me that you have virus symptoms. You can then make contact to rearrange therapy when you are well again and I will re-schedule a mutually convenient time for us both. 


Monies for prepaid sessions will be held and used for the re-scheduled session unless you request otherwise. 


If I contract the virus, then I will inform you as soon as I can and rearrange our session with you when I am well again. 


Please be aware that due to the unpredictable nature of the virus, further lockdown restrictions may be imposed by the authorities which could mean all in person appointments may need to be postponed during certain time periods. Should this occur, I will contact you directly to reschedule your appointment to an online/remote appointment (if appropriate.) Alternatively, we will agree I will contact you once the lockdown restriction has been eased to re-schedule a mutually convenient time for us both. 



NHS Test, Trace, Protect 

Please be aware that if I am contacted by the NHS Test and Trace team to advise I have been in contact with an individual with confirmed or suspected COVID-19, if we have had a face to face/in person appointment within the dates they specify, I will be obliged to give them your name and contact number. Please be assured that the reasons for our contact will not be disclosed. 

If you are contacted by the NHS Test and Trace team advising you have been in contact with an individual with confirmed or suspected COVID-19, I am happy for you to give them my name and contact number and any other information you feel appropriate. 

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